Monday 21 July 2008

Sky Phoenix

Phoenix on the Sky ???

This was what I captured in Atlanta Airport before I took off.

What did you see ?

如果沒有什麼幻想力的話, 這些相只是一些風吹散了雲的景像.

若加一點點奇想, 便是;

空中起飛的鳥? 該是大鳥吧!


鳳舞九天? 或是 火鳳凰 ?

作為星矢Fans, 大概可以形容為 ==>鳳翼天翔 吐舌頭
Windows Live Spaces

Sunday 13 July 2008

I miss you Wendy's

I finally had a burger meal set from Wendy's in US.

I recalled over 10-12 years since my last burger meal in Wendy's Hong Kong. It was in Causeway bay.

They closed all restaurants in Hong Kong around 1996 if I remembered correctly.

I missed her burger for long time and now I could tasted it again in US. I bought a triple cheese combo, USD 6.09.

It was a nice one but if I compare this with Burger King's triple burger today, I still think Burger King's combo is better. Open-mouthed

Anyway, I miss you Wendy's ! 動畫快遞