Sunday 15 November 2009

Saturday 14 November 2009

ESX disk alignment

In order to solve the disk alignment problem with NetApp, we can do below;

From the ESX host console, log in as root
Change to the directory hosing the virtual machine -> cd /vmfs/volumes/<LUN>/<VM>
Run this command: /opt/netapp/santools/mbrscan <file name-flat.vmdk>
This will scan only that VMDK and tell you if it is aligned or not

For example, to scan the file myserver-flat.vmdk
 /opt/netapp/santools/mbrscan myserver-flat.vmdk

If they are not aligned, run the following command:
/opt/netapp/santools/mbralign < file name-flat.vmdk >

Where <name-flat.vmdk> is replaced with the name of the unaligned VMDK

The utility will copy out the VMDK to a new file and align the new file.  The old files will be appended with the name mbralign-backup When complete, you should check that the VM boots. 

If the VM doesn't boot after alignment, you can revert the changes by copying back the backed up VMDK files (the mbralign-backup files)

Please don't run this utility on a VM that has a Dynamic disk - this won't work and the VM won't boot.

Sunday 8 November 2009


唉! 年紀大 機器壞, 想唔認自已大都吾得 :-(

今天起床發覺周身骨痛, 大概都是肌肉投訴, no good.

做運動當然有幫助, 但不可以太劇烈啊 ... 做的時候又幾好玩, 吾多覺辛苦, 隔日你就知!

早幾天發現一隻英國生產的即食麵 可以用來做炒麵, 而且ロ感都幾好. 牌子叫 KO-LEE.

web site ==>


Monday 2 November 2009


The weather gets colder and colder...

The night comes earlier and earlier...

The Sun rises later than before...

The time cycle never ends, day light is shorter and the working daylife is the same.

Not quite used to the changing weather and more people are sick, cough or flu around us.

It's raining yesterday but today the sun comes back and shine for a day.

Getting colder at night and in the early morning ...

Christmas is coming and the decoration in Oxford Street is nearly done.

Tonight met with some old friends and dinner together.

Nice seeing them again thought I am not talking a lot as usual. Even my friend's wife noticed I am quite silence.

Sometimes listerning is better than talking.

It's fun hearing other people chating and making funs from each other.

Feel tired ... and Good Night Mr. Winter.