Wednesday 23 April 2008

Fish Pond

I went to a fish pond for a walk last Sunday and it was a very nice afternoon. I brought my camera along and took a 130 degrees wide photo of the pond, see below. It was a small pond but if you looked at every details surrounding there, it took some time. I just spent 2 hours there taking pictures as well as catching fishes. This time I caught 7 small baby fishes. It was not easy to catch them. Each of them was very small, I put them in the tank, only 3mm length, smaller than thunmbnail. Bottom photo was a macro zoom of one of them (don't know how many times it was magnified)  Wink

Saturday 19 April 2008


昨天提到 Joey 的另一首好聽的歌 -> 我的驕傲

這是2003 年的作品了, 一首動人抒情的小品,在 Joey 溫柔的歌聲配合美妙的旋律下,此曲成為當時全城最受歡迎的情歌,亦是一地產發展商的廣告歌,當時看了這個廣告,令我也想買一個單位呢。 真實,這首歌是改編自一首英文歌 Proud of you, 由 Fiona 來演譯也十分好聽 ,「我的驕傲」的國語歌版本 是「揮著翅膀的女孩」! 下面就是四個 不同的 versions 啦! 





Friday 18 April 2008


已經聽這首歌近五個月了, 今晚再聽還是很喜歡它.

1. 旋律優美, 有grand 的feel

2. 曲和詞配合恰當

3. music video 拍得Joey不俗

repeat 的一段十分易上口, 也是heat 的原因. 就像好幾年前(2003)的 「我的驕傲」一樣受歡迎. Smile

彼此看著變高 世間旅途
如此關係 像光跟影
陪我長大 互相修補
分享每段路 Let's take the ride 

Wednesday 16 April 2008


When the temperature rises to around 10 degrees, flowers can be seen in a lot of places.

In fact, it is colder this April than last year. So hopefully we will see more flowers in May.

I like the green and also highlighted with normal flowers.

The fresh feeling is so attractive, I like the smell of Spring too. (come with the flowers) Nerd
Windows Live Spaces

Tuesday 15 April 2008


今晚學做蕃薯糖水, 結果就去了唐人街買咗蕃薯和彊, 卻忘記了買糖!

哈哈 :-P

Tuesday 8 April 2008


Good Weather
After the snowing on Sunday, basically the weather is back to sunny but cold in the morning. It is 2 degrees in the morning and around 10 in the afternoon. 
This is the time where people easily catch a cold. and I read from newspaper that snowing in April like Sunday was not usual, last one happen in 1989 which was about 20 years! 
HaHa I am lucky have a chance to see that. People were happy to make snowman in different places, There's a picture in newspaper in Regent's park that 2 ladies made a big snowman there.

Sunday 6 April 2008


昨晚約十點回到倫敦之前, 機師告訢我們晚上較寒冷, 而明早更會下雪.

我下機時還是不太相信, 因為回家時也不覺寒冷, 所以特別去yahoo 和 BBC 網站 check check. 也沒有預測下雪呢! 所以也忘記算了. 

今早醒來, 八點多, 本想多睡一點, 星期日嘛! 而且 Mass 是11:30am, 所以還有時間.

但看看窗外, 嘩! 白雪飄飄, 真的下雪噢! 而且不是小雪粒, 而是密密的飄雪啊!

草地上已是白色一片, 也看不了草啦. 四月下雪, 這還是三年來的第一次吧!

都係機場的天氣預測準確呢 Disappointed

忍不住快速穿了厚衫, 風衣頸巾, 帶着我的 Cameras 去攝錄一番, hehe, 這次下雪一直下到午後一點, 算很長的啦!

upload幾張相, OK 啦 Open-mouthed 

Thursday 3 April 2008


I have a different feeling when hearing colleagues leaving the company. Today is the last day of one colleague in London and one colleague in Hong Kong. Also had one of my staff left last Friday.

I remembered I heard this statement long time ago. Back in 1984 if I am correct.
"Leaving just means we will meet in another place in future."
This is true only if we really meet again. As people are busy or lazy, you seldom call an ex-colleague only for gathering unless you really miss this person or you have a request for him/her. But I do call up all my ex-mercantile friends even though most of us left the company over 8 years.

When was your last meet with your university or secondary or even primary schoolmates?

I am lucky that I still have contact with them. We really get old since we treasure the time with all our old friends, colleagues and schoolmates. That's why people join facebook not just for fun, but for real feel of reunion.

Sometimes people say you will enter a different world after you get married because you spend most of your time with your another half, that also means you spend less time social with other friends. I think this is not entirely true, but instead you meet more new faces because suddenly you need to know the friends from your another half, which is sufficient to keep you busy for a while. And the cycle of meeting, gathering starts right the way. And we have not take into account their families and relatives ... etc.

Ok, finish for today. And just done my dessert in Hilton Hotel Istanbul. Time to go back to my room for a sleep.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Heathrow Terminal 5

Travelling today to Istanbul, heard about the problem in Terminal 5 last few days. Initially I am a bit worry about that, and the situation is getting better after 5 days though still have about 40 flights cancelled. Radio reported over thousand baggages still need to be manually handled.

My take is that BA already did what he needed. If we look at the total number of flights and baggades handled by BA, this is peanuts. So the overall situation this morning was good and no chaos noted and generally the work flow was fine and I could see there were lots of helpers and information assistants around the departure lounge helping passengers and giving directions. So no problem noted so far. It took 5 minutes for me to check in and drop my bag, may be because I already checked-in online and only got one bag. Everything was smooth and better than expected.

I remembered we had similar problem in HK when the new airport opened in 1998? There were always chaos in the beginning so everyone needed to learn from experience, though it might be a bad one. Unexpected things always come, it is just a matter of how to prepare well in advance and it also depends on how the lead person on site handling the problem. Whether it is under control or not make a big difference in terms of the way he/she facilitates the chaotic situation.

The new Terminal 5 is a huge buidling, there are 3 buidlings, A to C and there is a transfer train between them. I had a feeling that they copied the HK design. A lot of setup are similar, might be these are the modern standard of new airport terminal. If they can put some more decorations in the terminal will help giving a better look and feel.

My flight did not depart on time, I would not deny this was not because of the terminal services, I actually heard from the pilot broadcast that some problem were just fixed so we could take off. And we were already 30 minutes late. Actually the plane were queuing in the runway, 3 to 4 planes before us and 3 planes after us. It was a busy traffic :-@

We finally departed Heathrow and we were one hour ten minutes late oh.