Thursday 3 April 2008


I have a different feeling when hearing colleagues leaving the company. Today is the last day of one colleague in London and one colleague in Hong Kong. Also had one of my staff left last Friday.

I remembered I heard this statement long time ago. Back in 1984 if I am correct.
"Leaving just means we will meet in another place in future."
This is true only if we really meet again. As people are busy or lazy, you seldom call an ex-colleague only for gathering unless you really miss this person or you have a request for him/her. But I do call up all my ex-mercantile friends even though most of us left the company over 8 years.

When was your last meet with your university or secondary or even primary schoolmates?

I am lucky that I still have contact with them. We really get old since we treasure the time with all our old friends, colleagues and schoolmates. That's why people join facebook not just for fun, but for real feel of reunion.

Sometimes people say you will enter a different world after you get married because you spend most of your time with your another half, that also means you spend less time social with other friends. I think this is not entirely true, but instead you meet more new faces because suddenly you need to know the friends from your another half, which is sufficient to keep you busy for a while. And the cycle of meeting, gathering starts right the way. And we have not take into account their families and relatives ... etc.

Ok, finish for today. And just done my dessert in Hilton Hotel Istanbul. Time to go back to my room for a sleep.

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